Product travels an average of 15 miles to arrive at the market. We are happy to have local produce, arts and crafts, businesses, and organizations. Locally sourced ingredients often mean less processing and more freshness, and encourage people to eat seasonally.
Farm vendors own 38 acres of land. Many farmers see great importance in owning land, especially those who want to pursue farming as a career. Ownership opportunities represent investment in the community.
Women own 33% of vendor businesses at the market. Since 1978, the number of young women farmers and women who make a living from farming has decreased while the gender wage gap has increased.
On average, 213 visitors attended the
market every day. Every visitor connects with our community by interacting with our vendors and other visitors, learning about new organizations and recipes, and
viewing foods or products they may never have seen before.
We had about/an estimated 4063 visitors over the entire season. Visitors create a place where community members can come together to purchase fresh foods and engage with local farmers, artists, and businesses to build a more vibrant society.
On average, visitors spend $ 20 when
they shop at the market. This market
directly benefits our local farmers, artists, businesses, and organizations, but it also benefits our surrounding businesses and the greater area around us by keeping money local.